SSD heat shrink sleeve КДЗС-4525 (10 pcs. package)

Packaging Weight ±10%, kg 0.045
HST, mm - length: 45 ± 1,- diameter before shrinking: 3.5 ± 0.1, - diameter before shrinking: 2.5 ± 0.1
Metal Rod, mm - length, mm: 40 ± 1,- diameter, mm: 1.0 ± 0.05
SPPK Type 4525

Are designed to protect OF welded joints.

Are only 45 mm long. Compact sleeves provide a significant advantage allowing to increase the number of welded joints in fiber optic closures and optical cross connects within the same housing overall dimensions.

It is recommended to acquire 10 SPPK sleeves per 8 OF splices.

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